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Never Miss a Chance to Do the Most Good

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Meet Anthony


Anthony is a sixth grader living with his mother and two brothers here in Santa Rosa.  He is an above average reader and is above grade level in math.  His interests include video game development and he is enthusiastic about school.  However, this was not always the case.  In second grade Anthony began falling behind academically.  His test scores were substantially below average and he was becoming more and more distracted with his studies. 

Worrying for his educational future, his teacher and school principal contacted Anthony’s mother and told her about The Salvation Army’s Tutoring and Mentoring (TAM) program.  Knowing that her job at a bank call center would keep her from helping Anthony with his homework she agreed this program would be a good option. 

Anthony joined TAM in Fall 2012 and was paired with his volunteer tutor and mentor, Ernie.  Anthony struggled with math and specifically in the area of multiplication.  Ernie worked with Anthony to explain the steps of problem solving and even bought a teacher’s edition of the math book to fully understand how to help Anthony. 

Anthony initially had a difficult time adjusting to the tutoring program and would frequently say things like, “I can’t learn this.  It’s too hard.  I think my brain is about to explode.”  Ernie would not let Isaac give up and patiently worked each equation until Anthony began to understand it.  Before the first year was over, Anthony began to really enjoy coming to TAM and would run into the room to wait for Ernie to come.  The two of them became the best of buddies. 

Each year, Anthony continued to improve in his study habits and his academic standing.  Each year Ernie would work with Anthony to build on the skills they developed the year before.  In 2015 Anthony faces a difficult personal situation and Ernie was able to be a trusted mentor during that time.  Anthony’s father, whom he had never met, visited from Mexico.  Though Anthony wanted to have a relationship with his father, he did not know him or why he had decided to show up.  Anthony was able to discuss his feelings with Ernie.  A few months later, Anthony again turned to Ernie when his father decided to walk out of his life again. 

Now, heading to middle school, Anthony is sad to be leaving the TAM program and his afternoons with Ernie and his friends in the TAM program.  Throughout the year, The Salvation Army of Santa Rosa works in our local elementary schools to pair academically struggling children with volunteer tutors and mentors.  These relationships span multiple years and reach beyond the initial touch of helping with homework.  When you donate to a red kettle or ring a bell for The Salvation Army this Christmas, you are helping the youth of our community flourish physically, emotionally, and academically all year long.  You are a part of our mission Behind the Bell.